List Distribution Orders

GET /distributionorders

List all Distribution Orders for an account.

Query parameters

  • page integer

    Page Number

    Minimum value is 1. Default value is 1.

  • pageSize integer

    Page Size

    Maximum value is 1000. Default value is 10.


  • OK

    Hide response attributes Show response attributes object
  • All errors will return the same object with a describing code & message

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GET /distributionorders
curl \
 --request GET
Response examples (200)
    "cancelledDate": "2021-07-19T14:05:257Z",
    "completedDate": "2021-07-19T14:05:257Z",
    "deliveredQuantity": 2,
    "deliveryDate": "2021-07-19T14:05:22.257Z",
    "deliveryWindow": "SS24",
    "externalDistributionOrderId": "DO-14534",
    "externalRowId": "21020",
    "fromWarehouseExternalId": "central",
    "id": 42,
    "key": "7340192703345",
    "label": "DO-14534",
    "orderDate": "2021-07-19T14:05:22.257Z",
    "orderType": "Transfer",
    "quantity": 4,
    "shippedAt": "2021-07-19T14:05:22.257Z",
    "status": "CANCELLED",
    "toWarehouseExternalId": "store1"
Response examples (default)
  "error": "Error Type (if any)",
  "message": "Message describing the error",
  "statusCode": 400