Update Warehouse

PUT /warehouses/{externalWarehouseID}

Update a specific warehouse using externalWarehouseID.

Path parameters

Body Required

  • ID string

    ID of the warehouse

  • If the warehouse is a central warehouse

    Default value is false.

  • externalId string Required

    External ID of the warehouse

  • name string Required

    Name of the warehouse


PUT /warehouses/{externalWarehouseID}
curl \
 --request PUT https://api.maddenanalytics.com/v2/api/warehouses/{externalWarehouseID} \
 --data '{"ID":"string","centralWarehouse":false,"externalId":"flagship","name":"Flagship"}'
Request examples
  "ID": "string",
  "centralWarehouse": false,
  "externalId": "flagship",
  "name": "Flagship"
Response examples (200)
  "error": "Error Type (if any)",
  "message": "Message describing the error",
  "statusCode": 400
Response examples (default)
  "error": "Error Type (if any)",
  "message": "Message describing the error",
  "statusCode": 400