Create Transaction Item Shipments
Create Transaction Item Shipments
Body Required
externalWarehouseID is required
externalWarehouseID string
External ID of the warehouse where items were allocated
quantity integer
Quantity shipped
shipmentDate string(date-time)
Date the shipment was created
shipmentID string
External ID of the shipment
curl \
--request POST{externalTransactionID}/items/{externalItemID}/shipments \
--data '{"externalWarehouseID":"central-ws","quantity":1,"shipmentDate":"2022-08-17T16:50:50+02:00","shipmentID":"779644-1"}'
Request examples
"externalWarehouseID": "central-ws",
"quantity": 1,
"shipmentDate": "2022-08-17T16:50:50+02:00",
"shipmentID": "779644-1"
Response examples (201)
"error": "Error Type (if any)",
"message": "Message describing the error",
"statusCode": 400
Response examples (default)
"error": "Error Type (if any)",
"message": "Message describing the error",
"statusCode": 400